Central Processing
Play Type
Actors Required
Runing time
One Act
40 minutes
In this one-act comedy, Maya has been summoned to a government office, but because her letter was mangled by the post office, no one can tell her why she is there - and they can't let her leave. Exploring the anxiety caused by technology & privacy, while satirizing government bureaucracy, the play asks how much of our humanity can truly be automated.
Cast of Characters
(in order of appearance)
GLADYS female, the receptionist
MAYA female, the citizen
SUZY female, the supervisor
DJ non-binary, from the IT department
NOTE: The ages of these characters are very flexible. Ideally, whatever the age range, GLADYS is the oldest, MAYA and SUZY are about the same age, and DJ is the youngest. For the dialogue on page 12 referring to age ranges, the age ranges should match those of the actor. Whatever ranges are cited, a gap should be created by one year so that Mary's age is between the two groups but not in either. Typical demographic groups are: 12 – 17, 18 – 24, 25 – 34, 35 – 44, 45 – 54, 55 – 64, and 65+
The reception area.